In the last few days more people have arrived and I have had the ability to do some more exploring. On Tuesday we took our first trip to the grocery store. I always love going food shopping in different countries. In Malawi they sell milk in plastic bags, kinda like the bladders from wine in a box. They also have different types of Lays chips like balsamic and Caribbean chili. Finally they have their smallest change called that is worth so little money that they do not actually give out this change, instead they give a piece of candy.
I got to experience McDouds (Malawian McDonald’s) for the first time. It is actually a nicer sit down restaurant here. Finally we got to meet some of the locals as we walked in search for a cheap soccer ball. Like many countries they are very intent on selling things to Americans. One funny thing is that they give us all made up names, and not their real names. Examples are Chicken Wings, Michael Douglas, Cucumber and Respect. We are going to think of some made up names for ourselves to use from now on. We also met some really cute kids on the street. They LOVED having their pictures taken and we even more excited to see their pictures in the playback screens on our cameras. They danced around and giggled each time we showed them!!
Can't wait til we do away with the penny and give out M & Ms instead. Great picture-happy boys, smiling Meggs!!